A young gnome girl who smells a strange gas coming from her kitchen and walks in to find her sister on the floor hears a voice as she starts to get dizzy saying we only need the smallest one then we will break her just like her mother before she falls asleep she seems to be trapped in a small cage dangling above water and she does not know how to swim she hears a voice say well you aren’t supposed to be awake yet then she smells a familiar gas as she falls back asleep when she wakes up again she is strapped to a bed with a mad scientist looking down at her she has no hope of escaping

A young gnome girl who smells a strange gas coming from her kitchen and walks in to find her sister on the floor hears a voice as she starts to get dizzy saying we only need the smallest one then we will break her just like her mother before she falls asleep she seems to be trapped in a small cage dangling above water and she does not know how to swim she hears a voice say well you aren’t supposed to be awake yet then she smells a familiar gas as she falls back asleep when she wakes up again she is strapped to a bed with a mad scientist looking down at her she has no hope of escaping

Art Style: Digital Art
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