An anime girl named Mizuki she has puffy hair and usually puts in a a bun with the personallity of an angry Pomeranian. She has two beasties Jane the optimistic rock of the group and Shona the one that’s usually always calm. Shona has a scare on her eye. And the three of them have powers Mizuki has season explosions, Kane can harden her skin on will, And Shona can split the scares of her enemies.

An anime girl named Mizuki she has puffy hair and usually puts in a a bun with the personallity of an angry Pomeranian. She has two beasties Jane the optimistic rock of the group and Shona the one that’s usually always calm. Shona has a scare on her eye. And the three of them have powers Mizuki has season explosions, Kane can harden her skin on will, And Shona can split the scares of her enemies.

Art Style: Digital Art
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