
Create an intricate collage emphasizing on the theme of 'Horror'. The collage should contain elements such as an eerie-looking haunted mansion under the soft glow of a full moon, crooked trees partially shrouded in mist, a gloomy graveyard with tombstones cast in long, deep shadows. Also include mysterious figures clothed in black, with their faces hidden, bringing an unsettling presence to the scene. The style should be reminiscent of Gothic literature, with vivid detail and stark contrasts between dark and light. It should capture the thrill and ominous beauty of classic horror themes.

Create an intricate collage emphasizing on the theme of 'Horror'. The collage should contain elements such as an eerie-looking haunted mansion under the soft glow of a full moon, crooked trees partially shrouded in mist, a gloomy graveyard with tombstones cast in long, deep shadows. Also include mysterious figures clothed in black, with their faces hidden, bringing an unsettling presence to the scene. The style should be reminiscent of Gothic literature, with vivid detail and stark contrasts between dark and light. It should capture the thrill and ominous beauty of classic horror themes.


Image Type: Aesthetic Collage
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