Create an aesthetic collage with the theme cottagecore

Generate a collage encapsulating the popular 'cottagecore' aesthetic. The collage should contain elements such as a quaint countryside cottage nestled among lush greenery, a basket of freshly picked wild fruits, vintage teacups, fresh farmer's market produce, homemade pies cooling on a window sill, and beautiful wildflowers in full bloom. Additionally, weave in elements of simple, rustic living, like handmade quilts, a journal with a delicate pen, and a pair of well-worn gardening gloves. The overall mood should be peaceful, idyllic, and simple, capturing escapism to rural living.

Generate a collage encapsulating the popular 'cottagecore' aesthetic. The collage should contain elements such as a quaint countryside cottage nestled among lush greenery, a basket of freshly picked wild fruits, vintage teacups, fresh farmer's market produce, homemade pies cooling on a window sill, and beautiful wildflowers in full bloom. Additionally, weave in elements of simple, rustic living, like handmade quilts, a journal with a delicate pen, and a pair of well-worn gardening gloves. The overall mood should be peaceful, idyllic, and simple, capturing escapism to rural living.

Create an aesthetic collage with the theme cottagecore

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