
Generate an image that portrays a classic 'noob' scene in the realm of gaming. The scene should depict a novice gamer completely overwhelmed with all the gaming controls and actions. Have a complicated game controller with many buttons and joysticks held clumsily by a pair of hands. The background should show a chaotic gaming scene, filled with characters, explosions and in-game menus – all conveying the mess a newbie can unintentionally create.

Generate an image that portrays a classic 'noob' scene in the realm of gaming. The scene should depict a novice gamer completely overwhelmed with all the gaming controls and actions. Have a complicated game controller with many buttons and joysticks held clumsily by a pair of hands. The background should show a chaotic gaming scene, filled with characters, explosions and in-game menus – all conveying the mess a newbie can unintentionally create.


Image Type: Meme
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