A person dressed as a wizard casting spells in a library.

Create an image that encapsulates a humorous narrative of a Caucasian male, decorated in a fantastically colourful wizard robe with a tall, pointed hat perched on his head. The wizard stands in a grand, old library filled with towering bookshelves and thousands of ancient books. The wizard, waving a wooden magic wand with flamboyant gestures, is attempting to invoke a spell, with comical, eccentric symbols and arcane words appearing around him as a result, designed for amusement rather than true mystic power. The library patrons' bewildered reactions to this spectacle add to the overall comedic vibe.

Create an image that encapsulates a humorous narrative of a Caucasian male, decorated in a fantastically colourful wizard robe with a tall, pointed hat perched on his head. The wizard stands in a grand, old library filled with towering bookshelves and thousands of ancient books. The wizard, waving a wooden magic wand with flamboyant gestures, is attempting to invoke a spell, with comical, eccentric symbols and arcane words appearing around him as a result, designed for amusement rather than true mystic power. The library patrons' bewildered reactions to this spectacle add to the overall comedic vibe.

A person dressed as a wizard casting spells in a library.

Image Type: Meme
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