
Create a humorous image capturing the essence of golf. The image should have a bright green golf course in the foreground with a golfer, an East Asian man in traditional golf attire, trying to make a difficult shot. Nearby, a squirrel is messing around with the golf ball, adding an element of humor to the scene. A water hazard with ducks swimming around and a beautiful clubhouse in the distance can act as the background. The image should be crafted without any text.

Create a humorous image capturing the essence of golf. The image should have a bright green golf course in the foreground with a golfer, an East Asian man in traditional golf attire, trying to make a difficult shot. Nearby, a squirrel is messing around with the golf ball, adding an element of humor to the scene. A water hazard with ducks swimming around and a beautiful clubhouse in the distance can act as the background. The image should be crafted without any text.


Image Type: Meme
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