Diana Prince aka Wonder Woman is in a battle with her arch enemy Circe, a very powerful witch and when Diana’s defense is down Circe cast a spell on Diana changing her from an Amazon Princess to be a typical Disney Princess. The change is immediate and the results change Diana completely

Diana Prince, better known as Wonder Woman, stood tall and proud, her lasso of truth glinting in the sunlight as she faced off against her arch enemy, Circe, a powerful witch known for her cunning and manipulation. The two women stared each other down, both knowing that this battle would be unlike any they had faced before. As Circe launched her first attack, Diana raised her shield, deflecting the blast of magic with ease. But as she did, she felt a sudden wave of weakness wash over her. With a wicked smile, Circe seized the opportunity and cast a spell on Diana, her magic enveloping the Amazon Princess in a glowing light. Diana's body thrummed with energy as the spell took hold, her muscles seizing up as her mind tried to fight back against the magic. But as the light faded, Diana's eyes widened in shock as she realized what had happened - she was no longer Wonder Woman. Instead, she had been transformed into a typical Disney Princess, complete with a frilly dress and sparkling tiara. Circe cackled with delight at her handiwork, reveling in the sight of her once-mighty foe reduced to a meek and helpless princess. Diana tried to speak, to summon her powers and break free from the spell, but all that came out of her mouth was a soft, melodic voice that sang like a siren's call. As the realization sank in, Diana felt a surge of emotions - confusion, anger, and above all, a sense of betrayal. How could she, the fierce warrior of Themyscira, be reduced to this? But as she looked around, she saw the world through new eyes. Everything seemed brighter, more vibrant, as if the spell had not just changed her appearance, but how she viewed the world around her. Circe basked in her victory, confident that she had finally defeated her greatest foe. But as she turned to leave, Diana rose to her feet, her eyes filled with a steely determination that belied her princess-like appearance. With a wave of her hand, she summoned her lasso of truth, the golden rope glowing with power as it coiled around Circe, binding her in its unbreakable grip. "You may have changed my outward appearance, Circe," Diana said, her voice strong and clear, "but you will never change who I am. I am still the Princess of the Amazons, the champion of justice and truth. And I will not let your dark magic twist me into something I am not." Circe struggled against the lasso, her powers faltering as Diana's strength of will overcame her spell. With a final burst of energy, Diana broke free from the enchantment, her tiara clattering to the ground as she stood before Circe, her Amazonian armor gleaming in the sunlight. "Your magic may be powerful, Circe," Diana declared, "but it is no match for the strength of my heart and the courage of my soul. I will not rest until you are defeated and justice is restored." With a cry of rage, Circe unleashed a barrage of spells, each one more powerful than the last. But Diana met them head on, her shield raised high as she deflected the blasts with ease. With each strike, her determination only grew stronger, her resolve unshakeable in the face of darkness. As the battle raged on, the ground shook with the force of their clashing powers, the air filled with the crackle of magic and the clash of steel. But in the end, it was Diana who emerged victorious, her lasso of truth binding Circe once and for all. As the dust settled, Diana looked around at the world she had sworn to protect, her heart filled with a renewed sense of purpose. She may have been briefly transformed into a Disney Princess, but in the end, it was her inner strength and unwavering courage that had saved the day. And as she stood tall and proud, her tiara back in its rightful place, Diana knew that no matter what challenges may come her way, she would always be Wonder Woman - a hero, a warrior, and a princess in her own right.