Chucky and Tiffany’s twin children Glen and Glenda little Glenda gets in a fight with her cousins at a family gathering in the bedroom upstairs they break her doll they fight she jumps on them attacking them she screams in pain when she falls to the ground she vomits having an asthma attack feeling sick she runs to the backyard her grandma holds and cradles her Glen gets her an ice pack until their mommy and daddy come to pick them up her cousins apologize for hurting her

Once upon a time, in a quaint little house nestled in a peaceful neighborhood, lived Chucky and Tiffany along with their young twin children, Glen and Glenda. In a home filled with dark secrets and mischievous adventures, the family had managed to find their own twisted version of happiness. As the sun began to set on a warm summer evening, an invitation arrived for a family gathering at Chucky's brother's house. Excitement filled the air as the family prepared for a night of laughter and shared macabre tales. Arriving at the party, Chucky and Tiffany watched as Glen and Glenda dashed off to play with their cousins in the upstairs bedroom. With toys scattered around the room, the children laughed and played, their youthful energy filling the house. However, the joyous atmosphere quickly turned sour when an argument erupted between Glenda and her cousins. Words cut through the air like knives, escalating the tension within the room. In the heat of the moment, Glenda's beloved doll, a treasured possession, fell prey to the chaos and broke into pieces. Enraged by the sight, Glenda could no longer control her emotions. She launched herself at her cousins, attacking them with both anger and vengeance. But in the midst of the fray, Glenda suddenly screamed out in pain, clutching her chest as her asthma attack took hold. Her cousins, now feeling guilt-ridden and alarmed by Glenda's sudden distress, realized the extent of their actions. They immediately ceased their quarrel, their remorse flooding the room. Rushing to Glenda's side, they tried to help, but it was clear she needed her parents. Struggling to breathe, Glenda managed to crawl towards the door, retreating to the solace of the backyard. The fresh air greeted her, offering some relief and a temporary respite from the chaos. Her grandmother, sensing her discomfort, followed closely, holding and cradling Glenda in her nurturing embrace. Meanwhile, Glen, aware of his sister's suffering, hurriedly rushed to the kitchen and grabbed an ice pack. Returning to the backyard, he gingerly placed it on Glenda's forehead, offering her some comfort as they awaited the arrival of their parents. Finally, Chucky and Tiffany appeared, their parental instincts immediately kicking in as they rushed to their daughter's side. Tiffany scooped Glenda into her arms, whispering soothing words to calm her terrified little girl. Chucky cast an icy glare towards their nephews, emphasizing the gravity of their mistake. Realizing the magnitude of their actions, the cousins timidly approached, tears streaming down their faces as they apologized profusely to Glenda and her parents. With sincere remorse and guilt, they promised never to harm another doll again. Upon seeing their genuine remorse, Chucky and Tiffany softened their expressions. Understanding that children make mistakes, they accepted their nephews' apologies and forgave them, knowing that this would be a lesson well-learned. As the night grew darker, the family gathered by Glenda's side, offering their love and support. Her asthma attack subsided, and despite feeling sick and shaken, Glenda found solace in the bond of her family's embrace. They shared stories, laughter, and most importantly, forgiveness. Though the fight in the upstairs bedroom had caused pain and turmoil, it had also unearthed the depth of their familial love. In the end, Glenda learned the true strength of her family's care, while her cousins discovered the importance of empathy and the consequences of their actions. And as a gentle breeze brushed against their cheeks, the house once again filled with laughter, reminding them all that family was about unconditional love, forgiveness, and standing together through the darkest of times.