Chucky and Tiffany’s twin children Glen and Glenda little Glenda gets in a fight with her cousins at a family gathering they break her doll they fight her she screams in pain when she falls to the ground she vomits having an asthma attack feeling sick her grandma holds and cradles her until her mommy and daddy come to pick them up her cousins apologize for hurting her

As the family gathered for their annual reunion, little Glenda, the youngest child of Chucky and Tiffany, looked forward to spending time with her beloved cousins. She was excited to see them again, especially because they shared a special bond as twins. However, what should have been a joyous occasion would soon turn into a nightmare for poor Glenda. The family reunion took place in a large, picturesque park, adorned with tall trees and a glistening lake that mirrored the clear blue sky. It was the perfect setting for a day filled with laughter and happiness. The sun shone brightly, creating a warm atmosphere as the relatives chatted and played games. Glenda and her cousins all gathered near a swing set, engaged in a playful yet spirited game of tag. Each child trying to outmaneuver the other, their laughter echoing through the park. But, as the game intensified, an accident occurred that would change the day's trajectory. In the midst of the chaotic chase, Glenda's cousins inadvertently bumped into her, causing her to lose her balance. The poor girl fell to the ground, her beloved doll clutched tightly in her tiny hand. The impact caused the doll to fly from her grasp and land with a resounding crack. A collective gasp filled the air as everyone realized what had just happened. The doll, which had been a cherished companion to Glenda, now lay broken and motionless on the ground. A wave of panic washed over her as tears streamed down her tender cheeks. The pain she felt was not just from the loss of her beloved doll, but from the fear of confrontation with her cousins. Glenda had always been a sensitive child, prone to asthma attacks in moments of extreme stress. The emotional turmoil she was experiencing was overwhelming for her young heart. As panic set in and her breaths became short and shallow, Glenda clutched her chest, gasping for air. The world began to spin around her, and she felt her stomach churn. The nausea was unbearable, and Glenda doubled over, unable to contain the contents of her stomach any longer. Vomiting violently, she cried out for help. With instant concern, Glenda's grandmother rushed to her side. Wrapping her arms around the distressed child, she held her tight, providing comfort and solace in her trembling embrace. She rocked Glenda gently back and forth, whispering words of reassurance as she called for Chucky and Tiffany. Full of worry and fear, her parents hurried over, their faces etched with concern. Seeing their daughter in such distress, their protective instincts kicked in, and they wrapped their arms around her, bringing her into a nurturing cocoon of love. Glenda's cousins watched in remorse as the gravity of their actions sunk in. They approached with teary eyes and filled with guilt, apologizing profusely for their part in the distressing chain of events. Touched by their words, Glenda's parents assured everyone that accidents happen, and it was important to forgive and move forward. With time, Glenda's distress subsided, her breathing stabilized, and a sense of tranquility enveloped the once tumultuous gathering. In the end, Glenda's cousins learned a valuable lesson about the consequences of their actions. They understood the fragility of emotions and the importance of empathy and respect. From that day forward, they made a solemn promise to protect and care for their cousin, knowing that together they could create a nurturing environment that would bring joy and harmony to their family gatherings. Though the family gathering had taken an unexpected turn, it served as a reminder of the strength of love and the power of forgiveness. It united the family in a profound way, teaching them the importance of compassion in the face of adversity. From that day forward, Glenda's cousins became her biggest allies, always looking out for her wellbeing and ensuring she felt safe in their presence.