Write a sci-fi version of Sailor Moon.

In the distant future, the universe is under threat from an evil force known as the Dark Consortium. They seek to conquer and dominate all planets and civilizations, spreading chaos and destruction wherever they go. To combat this threat, a group of powerful and mystical guardians known as the Celestial Sailors has been tasked with protecting the universe and its inhabitants. The leader of the Celestial Sailors is Princess Serena, a brave and compassionate warrior with the power to harness the energy of the stars themselves. Alongside her are her loyal companions, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and Venus, each possessing their own unique abilities and strengths. One fateful day, the Dark Consortium launches a massive attack on Earth, aiming to enslave its people and strip the planet of its resources. Princess Serena and her team are quick to respond, leaping into action to defend the innocent and push back the enemy forces. The battle is fierce and intense, with explosions and lasers lighting up the sky as the Celestial Sailors fight to protect their planet. Princess Serena unleashes her starlight powers, sending powerful beams of energy towards the enemy ships, while Mercury uses her intelligence and technology to outmaneuver and outsmart the enemy's tactics. Mars, with her fiery spirit and control over flames, burns through enemy ranks, while Jupiter's strength and lightning strikes prove to be a formidable weapon against the dark forces. Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, uses her charm and grace to distract and confuse the enemy, giving her teammates an opening to strike. As the battle rages on, the Dark Consortium unleashes their ultimate weapon, a massive robotic monster known as the Destructor. Its size and power dwarf anything the Celestial Sailors have faced before, and for a moment, it seems as if all hope is lost. But Princess Serena refuses to give up, drawing on her inner strength and determination to defeat this seemingly unbeatable foe. With a cry of courage, she charges towards the Destructor, channeling all of her power into one final, desperate attack. A brilliant explosion of light and energy fills the skies as the Destructor is destroyed, crumbling into wreckage and debris. The Dark Consortium's forces retreat in defeat, their plans foiled by the bravery and heroism of the Celestial Sailors. As the dust settles and the smoke clears, Princess Serena and her team stand victorious, their planet saved and their people safe once more. But they know that the battle is far from over, and that they must remain ever vigilant against the forces of darkness that seek to threaten the universe. And so, the Celestial Sailors continue their mission, journeying across the stars to protect the innocent and bring hope to those in need. With their unity, courage, and belief in the power of love and justice, they will overcome any challenge that comes their way, fighting against evil and standing as beacons of light in the darkness of space. For they are the Sailor Guardians of the cosmos, defenders of peace and champions of the future. And as long as there is evil in the universe, they will be there to stand against it, fighting for the greater good and ensuring that the light of hope will always shine bright.