Diana Prince aka Wonder Woman is transformed into a Disney Princess version of herself. No more warrior princess, she’s now gentile , gullible, always getting into situations where she needs a Prince Charming type to save her. Her body is now very feminine and weak.

Diana Prince, also known as Wonder Woman, was a revered warrior princess from the Amazonian island of Themyscira. With her strength, bravery, and fierce determination, she had fought countless battles against evil, always emerging victorious. But one fateful day, everything changed. As Diana was out on a mission to protect innocent civilians from a group of ruthless villains, she suddenly found herself in the midst of a strange and powerful enchantment. In an instant, her body underwent a transformation, becoming more delicate, feminine, and fragile. The once mighty Amazonian warrior was now a Disney Princess version of herself. Confused and disoriented, Diana looked down at her new form in shock. Her once powerful muscles were now slender and weak, her armor replaced with a flowing gown fit for a princess. Gone were her sword and shield, replaced by a delicate tiara and a magical wand. As she tried to make sense of her new reality, Diana realized that her once formidable powers were now replaced with a sense of naivety and gullibility. She found herself easily led astray, often falling into traps set by cunning villains who took advantage of her new vulnerabilities. It wasn't long before Diana's reputation as a fearless warrior princess was replaced with one of a damsel in distress, constantly in need of rescue by a Prince Charming type. She found herself getting into increasingly dangerous situations, relying on the kindness and bravery of others to come to her aid. But deep down, Diana knew that this was not who she truly was. She longed to break free from the enchantment that held her captive and reclaim her strength and independence. With each passing day, she searched for a way to undo the spell and return to her true self. One day, while wandering through a deep and dark forest, Diana stumbled upon a mysterious figure cloaked in shadows. The figure revealed himself to be a powerful sorcerer who had cast the enchantment upon her, seeking to test her will and determination. He offered Diana a choice - she could remain as the Disney Princess version of herself, forever reliant on others for protection and rescue, or she could undergo a series of trials to prove her worth and break free from the enchantment. Determined to reclaim her true identity, Diana accepted the sorcerer's challenge. She faced a series of tests that pushed her to her limits, testing not only her physical strength but also her courage and inner resolve. Through perseverance and determination, Diana overcame each trial, proving herself to be the warrior princess she truly was. With a final burst of strength and determination, she shattered the enchantment that had held her captive, her true form emerging once more. As the sorcerer's illusion faded away, Diana stood tall once more, her armor gleaming in the sunlight, her sword and shield back in her hands. She was no longer the Disney Princess version of herself, but the fierce and powerful Wonder Woman she had always been. With a renewed sense of purpose and determination, Diana vowed to never again fall victim to such trickery. She was a warrior princess, a hero, and she would continue to fight for justice and peace wherever evil threatened to prevail. And so, Diana Prince, the once gentile and gullible Disney Princess version of herself, now stood strong and resolute, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead with the strength and bravery that defined her true nature.