School boy

A school boy depicted in the traditional style of Japanese animation, commonly known as anime. The schoolboy is seen wearing a standard uniform with a blazer, tie, and trousers. He also dons an adventurous spirit expressive through his sharp, determined eyes and a hint of a mischievous smile. His black hair is short, kept tidy but has a couple of rebellious tufts reaching out, giving personality to his character. He carries a school bag slung over one shoulder, with notebooks and pens peeking from the bag. In his free hand, he holds a textbook ready for his next lecture.

A school boy depicted in the traditional style of Japanese animation, commonly known as anime. The schoolboy is seen wearing a standard uniform with a blazer, tie, and trousers. He also dons an adventurous spirit expressive through his sharp, determined eyes and a hint of a mischievous smile. His black hair is short, kept tidy but has a couple of rebellious tufts reaching out, giving personality to his character. He carries a school bag slung over one shoulder, with notebooks and pens peeking from the bag. In his free hand, he holds a textbook ready for his next lecture.

School boy

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Anime
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