Anime Girl In Glasses: Anime girl drawn in anime art style, capturing a vivacious, free-spirited maiden with a pair of oversized round glasses that highlight her playful amethyst-colored eyes. She is nestled in a sun-soaked botanical garden, surrounded by endless rows of blooming flowers and vines. Her attire consists of a vivid, tropical-colored sundress that flares out at the waist, skimming her slender legs. The dress boasts a daring halter neck and a playful hem sprinkled with tassels. On her feet, strappy leather sandals add finishing elegance to her boho-chic look.

Anime Girl In Glasses: Anime girl drawn in anime art style, capturing a vivacious, free-spirited maiden with a pair of oversized round glasses that highlight her playful amethyst-colored eyes. She is nestled in a sun-soaked botanical garden, surrounded by endless rows of blooming flowers and vines. Her attire consists of a vivid, tropical-colored sundress that flares out at the waist, skimming her slender legs. The dress boasts a daring halter neck and a playful hem sprinkled with tassels. On her feet, strappy leather sandals add finishing elegance to her boho-chic look.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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