Anime Boy Eating: Anime boy drawn in anime art style is sitting in a quiet bookstore café, engrossed in a book while munching a chocolate chip cookie, crumbs adorning his lips. He has dark brown, shoulder-length hair that covers one of his emerald-green eyes and pale skin with a touch of freckles across his nose. He's dressed in a beige cardigan over a white button-up shirt loosely tucked into a pair of light brown chinos. A pair of brown, suede boots match his outfit. In his other hand, a copper vintage bookmark dangles, and a pair of round glasses sits on his nose.

A young male character illustrated in a traditional Japanese animation style sits within the serene ambiance of a bookstore café, engrossed in a captivating book. He is enjoying the sweet taste of a chocolate chip cookie, with tiny crumbs accentuating his lips. His dark-brown, shoulder-length hair shrouds one of his captivating emerald-green eyes. His pale complexion is subtly decorated with a smattering of freckles across his nose. He is adorned in a cozy beige cardigan, worn over a crisp white button-up shirt that's relaxedly tucked into a pair of light-brown chinos. Complementing his attire are brown, suede boots. A copper vintage bookmark with intricate designs dangles from his other hand. A pair of round glasses smartly rest on his nose, suggesting his intellect and love of reading.

A young male character illustrated in a traditional Japanese animation style sits within the serene ambiance of a bookstore café, engrossed in a captivating book. He is enjoying the sweet taste of a chocolate chip cookie, with tiny crumbs accentuating his lips. His dark-brown, shoulder-length hair shrouds one of his captivating emerald-green eyes. His pale complexion is subtly decorated with a smattering of freckles across his nose. He is adorned in a cozy beige cardigan, worn over a crisp white button-up shirt that's relaxedly tucked into a pair of light-brown chinos. Complementing his attire are brown, suede boots. A copper vintage bookmark with intricate designs dangles from his other hand. A pair of round glasses smartly rest on his nose, suggesting his intellect and love of reading.

Anime Boy Eating: Anime boy drawn in anime art style is sitting in a quiet bookstore café, engrossed in a book while munching a chocolate chip cookie, crumbs adorning his lips. He has dark brown, shoulder-length hair that covers one of his emerald-green eyes and pale skin with a touch of freckles across his nose. He's dressed in a beige cardigan over a white button-up shirt loosely tucked into a pair of light brown chinos. A pair of brown, suede boots match his outfit. In his other hand, a copper vintage bookmark dangles, and a pair of round glasses sits on his nose.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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