Anime Girl With Green Hair: An anime girl drawn in anime art style with mint-green bobbed hair, exhibiting an air of sophistication. Her tantalizing, angled eyes should hint at her quiet strength and charisma. She should be clad in a sleek, fitted black pantsuit, coupled with a lime green tie, and styled with stiletto boots. Place her in an upscale city penthouse overlooking the urban skyline.

Anime Girl With Green Hair: An anime girl drawn in anime art style with mint-green bobbed hair, exhibiting an air of sophistication. Her tantalizing, angled eyes should hint at her quiet strength and charisma. She should be clad in a sleek, fitted black pantsuit, coupled with a lime green tie, and styled with stiletto boots. Place her in an upscale city penthouse overlooking the urban skyline.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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