Anime Boy Uniform: An anime boy drawn in anime art style is standing tall in front of a soaring cherry blossom tree. He is donning a well-fitted uniform, featuring a royal blue blazer with silver engraved buttons, a crisp white shirt underneath, and a matching royal blue necktie with a subtle checkerboard pattern. His pants, matching in the same royal blue color, are perfectly styled revealing a pair of polished black leather shoes. He holds a black leather bag in one hand, and his other hand runs through his wiry dark brown hair, with strands deliberately falling over his deep-set ocean blue eyes. He exhibits a look of assertive anticipation on his fair-complexioned face. 

An anime style depiction of a uniformed boy, who can be categorized as an East Asian, standing tall in front of a towering cherry blossom tree. His attire consists of a well-fitted, royal blue blazer with silver engraved buttons, a bright white shirt underneath, and a matching royal blue tie with a subtle checkerboard pattern. His pants, identical in color, complement his polished black leather shoes. He holds a black leather bag in one hand, while the other os running through his thick, dark brown hair. A few strands intentionally obscure his deep-set, striking ocean blue eyes. His fair-complexioned face displays an anticipatory expression, indicative of his assertive nature.

An anime style depiction of a uniformed boy, who can be categorized as an East Asian, standing tall in front of a towering cherry blossom tree. His attire consists of a well-fitted, royal blue blazer with silver engraved buttons, a bright white shirt underneath, and a matching royal blue tie with a subtle checkerboard pattern. His pants, identical in color, complement his polished black leather shoes. He holds a black leather bag in one hand, while the other os running through his thick, dark brown hair. A few strands intentionally obscure his deep-set, striking ocean blue eyes. His fair-complexioned face displays an anticipatory expression, indicative of his assertive nature.

Anime Boy Uniform: An anime boy drawn in anime art style is standing tall in front of a soaring cherry blossom tree. He is donning a well-fitted uniform, featuring a royal blue blazer with silver engraved buttons, a crisp white shirt underneath, and a matching royal blue necktie with a subtle checkerboard pattern. His pants, matching in the same royal blue color, are perfectly styled revealing a pair of polished black leather shoes. He holds a black leather bag in one hand, and his other hand runs through his wiry dark brown hair, with strands deliberately falling over his deep-set ocean blue eyes. He exhibits a look of assertive anticipation on his fair-complexioned face.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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