2 teenage boys hanging out

Design an imaginative scene featuring two teenage boys in the vivid and dynamic style commonly attributed to early anime. One boy has a Caucasian descent with an edgy hairstyle and is dressed in a futuristic urban outfit with neon color accents. The other boy is of East Asian descent with slick, smooth hair, dressed in a laid-back, traditional outfit, subtly blended with modern elements. They must seem like they are enjoying each other's company in a brightly colored cityscape filled with intricate, stylized details, high-energy atmosphere, but no text components.

Design an imaginative scene featuring two teenage boys in the vivid and dynamic style commonly attributed to early anime. One boy has a Caucasian descent with an edgy hairstyle and is dressed in a futuristic urban outfit with neon color accents. The other boy is of East Asian descent with slick, smooth hair, dressed in a laid-back, traditional outfit, subtly blended with modern elements. They must seem like they are enjoying each other's company in a brightly colored cityscape filled with intricate, stylized details, high-energy atmosphere, but no text components.

2 teenage boys hanging out

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Outfit
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