Anime Girl Red: The anime girl drawn in anime art style has radiant cherry-red hair flowing in soft waves and her piercing glacier-blue eyes are lined subtly with black eyeliner, adding depth to her captivating gaze. She is garbed in a classic Victorian-style red gown, fitting perfectly over her sculpted figure. Her wrists sparkle with thin silver bangles while her feet are adorned with shiny black Mary Jane heels.

Anime Girl Red: The anime girl drawn in anime art style has radiant cherry-red hair flowing in soft waves and her piercing glacier-blue eyes are lined subtly with black eyeliner, adding depth to her captivating gaze. She is garbed in a classic Victorian-style red gown, fitting perfectly over her sculpted figure. Her wrists sparkle with thin silver bangles while her feet are adorned with shiny black Mary Jane heels.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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