School boy

A teenager wearing a traditional Japanese schoolboy uniform, exuding an aura of anime-style artistry. His attire consists of a black gakuran, buttoned up high, with a red pin on his collar and matching black trousers. He carries a brown leather bag slung over one shoulder. His hairstyle is classic anime - spiky jet-black hair. His expression is firm and focused, with eyes that squint slightly, possibly indicating an important mission on his mind. The background is a typical school setting with cherry blossom trees and a red brick school building.

A teenager wearing a traditional Japanese schoolboy uniform, exuding an aura of anime-style artistry. His attire consists of a black gakuran, buttoned up high, with a red pin on his collar and matching black trousers. He carries a brown leather bag slung over one shoulder. His hairstyle is classic anime - spiky jet-black hair. His expression is firm and focused, with eyes that squint slightly, possibly indicating an important mission on his mind. The background is a typical school setting with cherry blossom trees and a red brick school building.

School boy

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Anime
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