Anime Girl Characters: Anime girl drawn in anime art style, visualize a stunning brunette with hair flowing down her shoulders, tinged with a sunset red hue. Her eyes, brighter than sapphire stones, radiate an enchanting stare. She's flaunting a crimson dress that embraces her hourglass figure, embellished with black lace details at the cuffs and hem. Complementing her ensemble is a choker of dark-blue velvet, adorned with a pearl in the centre that merges perfectly with her porcelain skin."

Anime Girl Characters: Anime girl drawn in anime art style, visualize a stunning brunette with hair flowing down her shoulders, tinged with a sunset red hue. Her eyes, brighter than sapphire stones, radiate an enchanting stare. She's flaunting a crimson dress that embraces her hourglass figure, embellished with black lace details at the cuffs and hem. Complementing her ensemble is a choker of dark-blue velvet, adorned with a pearl in the centre that merges perfectly with her porcelain skin."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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