Bitcoin in the center and people with laser eyes around it

An image featuring a large, prominently displayed Bitcoin logo at the center, glowing with a golden shine. Surrounding the Bitcoin logo, individuals of various descents and genders are revealed, each showcasing a unique and powerful laser eye effect. These figures convey a sense of shared purpose and unity, their gazes fixated on the Bitcoin logo with determination. The entire image is visually dramatized by a neon punk aesthetic, characterized by its vibrant color palette, dramatic lighting effects, and an air of futuristic rebellion.

An image featuring a large, prominently displayed Bitcoin logo at the center, glowing with a golden shine. Surrounding the Bitcoin logo, individuals of various descents and genders are revealed, each showcasing a unique and powerful laser eye effect. These figures convey a sense of shared purpose and unity, their gazes fixated on the Bitcoin logo with determination. The entire image is visually dramatized by a neon punk aesthetic, characterized by its vibrant color palette, dramatic lighting effects, and an air of futuristic rebellion.

Bitcoin in the center and people with laser eyes around it

Art Style: Neon Punk
Fanart iOS App Download Button

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