Anime Girl Head: Anime girl drawn in anime art style has an angelic beauty with curly, green hair tied into a high ponytail, glowing under a twilight sky setting. Her eyes gleam in matching green hues, filled with confidence. She's dressed extravagantly in a fashionable royal purple bikini top, skin-tight high-rise jeans accompanied by black stilettos. Gold hoop earrings and a delicate waist chain complete her sultry look.

Anime Girl Head: Anime girl drawn in anime art style has an angelic beauty with curly, green hair tied into a high ponytail, glowing under a twilight sky setting. Her eyes gleam in matching green hues, filled with confidence. She's dressed extravagantly in a fashionable royal purple bikini top, skin-tight high-rise jeans accompanied by black stilettos. Gold hoop earrings and a delicate waist chain complete her sultry look.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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