Anime Girl Knight: Anime girl drawn in anime art style, shaping up as a celestial knight. Long silver hair flows behind her like a comet’s tail, her eyes a sparkling lavender, reflecting distant galaxies. Her gorgeous, star-studded armor compliments her seductive figure, offering an enchanting silhouette against the night sky. A moonstone pendant around her neck only adds to her allure. Her boots have a soft glow, reminiscent of distant stars."

Anime Girl Knight: Anime girl drawn in anime art style, shaping up as a celestial knight. Long silver hair flows behind her like a comet’s tail, her eyes a sparkling lavender, reflecting distant galaxies. Her gorgeous, star-studded armor compliments her seductive figure, offering an enchanting silhouette against the night sky. A moonstone pendant around her neck only adds to her allure. Her boots have a soft glow, reminiscent of distant stars."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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