An colorpoint cat paper puppet

Create an anthropomorphic illustration of a colorpoint cat interpreted as a paper puppet. It should be drawn in an aesthetic reminiscent of Japanese animation, also known as Anime, with thin outlines, vibrant colors, and generally exaggerated, large eyes. The cat should be standing on two legs, with its human-like hands raised as if it's being controlled like a puppet. Note that there should be no text present in the image.

Create an anthropomorphic illustration of a colorpoint cat interpreted as a paper puppet. It should be drawn in an aesthetic reminiscent of Japanese animation, also known as Anime, with thin outlines, vibrant colors, and generally exaggerated, large eyes. The cat should be standing on two legs, with its human-like hands raised as if it's being controlled like a puppet. Note that there should be no text present in the image.

An colorpoint cat paper puppet

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Furry
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