Anime Boy Depressed: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, standing at the edge of a deserted railway station, regret and sadness etched across his face. His remarkable cherry-blossom pink hair seems to be the only vivid color in the otherwise gloomy backdrop. His aqua-green eyes swim with unshed tears. His outfit consists of a bright teal-blue oversized hoodie, which is paired with faded denim pants. Winter boots, dark brown in color, muddied by his long aimless walks, cover his feet. On his left wrist, there is a watch that has stopped ticking, symbolic of a past he cannot escape."

An anime-style illustration of a young boy with cherry-blossom pink hair, standing alone at an abandoned railway station. There's a feeling of sadness and regret on his face. His aqua-green eyes look like they're filled with tears that he's holding back. He's dressed in a bright teal-blue oversized hoodie and faded denim pants. His feet are clad in dark brown winter boots, which are covered in mud from his countless aimless walks. On his left wrist, he wears a stopped watch, a symbol of a past that haunts him.

An anime-style illustration of a young boy with cherry-blossom pink hair, standing alone at an abandoned railway station. There's a feeling of sadness and regret on his face. His aqua-green eyes look like they're filled with tears that he's holding back. He's dressed in a bright teal-blue oversized hoodie and faded denim pants. His feet are clad in dark brown winter boots, which are covered in mud from his countless aimless walks. On his left wrist, he wears a stopped watch, a symbol of a past that haunts him.

Anime Boy Depressed: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, standing at the edge of a deserted railway station, regret and sadness etched across his face. His remarkable cherry-blossom pink hair seems to be the only vivid color in the otherwise gloomy backdrop. His aqua-green eyes swim with unshed tears. His outfit consists of a bright teal-blue oversized hoodie, which is paired with faded denim pants. Winter boots, dark brown in color, muddied by his long aimless walks, cover his feet. On his left wrist, there is a watch that has stopped ticking, symbolic of a past he cannot escape."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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