1-bit pixel art, classic retro rpg maker game, violet, the main character of an otherworldly cosmic sci-fi rpg with a limited color palette, warm purple teal color grading, samus aran with short purple hair and a cape

Create a digital pixel art illustration with a classic retro RPG theme featuring a distinctive main character. Visualize an alien, otherworldly cosmic landscape which is rendered in a 1-bit style. Portray a protagonist embodying the vibe of a revered sci-fi character, but instead imagine her with short purple hair and a cape. The color composition should lean heavily towards a limited palette dominated by warm purples, violets, and teals. This should give the impression of being a unique character in a retro RPG Maker game.

Create a digital pixel art illustration with a classic retro RPG theme featuring a distinctive main character. Visualize an alien, otherworldly cosmic landscape which is rendered in a 1-bit style. Portray a protagonist embodying the vibe of a revered sci-fi character, but instead imagine her with short purple hair and a cape. The color composition should lean heavily towards a limited palette dominated by warm purples, violets, and teals. This should give the impression of being a unique character in a retro RPG Maker game.

1-bit pixel art, classic retro rpg maker game, violet, the main character of an otherworldly cosmic sci-fi rpg with a limited color palette, warm purple teal color grading, samus aran with short purple hair and a cape

Image Type: Pixel Art
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