Anime Boy Girl: A library is the backdrop for an anime boy drawn in anime art style deeply engrossed in a book, with an anime girl peeking over his shoulder. His platinum blonde hair is tucked behind his ears, revealing defined cheekbones and sharp, cobalt blue eyes behind round, black-rimmed glasses. He's dressed in a button-up flannel with hues of maroon, black, and white, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His lower half is covered in black jeans, matched with a pair of brown leather boots. A leather bracelet adorns his wrist, speaking volumes of his taste.

In a serene library environment, an animated boy with platinum blonde hair tucked behind his ears, defined cheekbones, and sharp cobalt blue eyes is absorbed in reading a book. Peeking over his shoulder is an animated girl, curious about what he's reading. His vision is framed with round, black-rimmed glasses that reflect the tranquillity of the library. He's clad in a button-up flannel with hues of maroon, black, and white, the sleeves casually rolled up to his elbows. His lower half is covered in black jeans, paired with brown leather boots. A leather bracelet wraps around his wrist, an indicator of his impeccable taste.

In a serene library environment, an animated boy with platinum blonde hair tucked behind his ears, defined cheekbones, and sharp cobalt blue eyes is absorbed in reading a book. Peeking over his shoulder is an animated girl, curious about what he's reading. His vision is framed with round, black-rimmed glasses that reflect the tranquillity of the library. He's clad in a button-up flannel with hues of maroon, black, and white, the sleeves casually rolled up to his elbows. His lower half is covered in black jeans, paired with brown leather boots. A leather bracelet wraps around his wrist, an indicator of his impeccable taste.

Anime Boy Girl: A library is the backdrop for an anime boy drawn in anime art style deeply engrossed in a book, with an anime girl peeking over his shoulder. His platinum blonde hair is tucked behind his ears, revealing defined cheekbones and sharp, cobalt blue eyes behind round, black-rimmed glasses. He's dressed in a button-up flannel with hues of maroon, black, and white, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His lower half is covered in black jeans, matched with a pair of brown leather boots. A leather bracelet adorns his wrist, speaking volumes of his taste.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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