Anime girl drawn in anime style, a graceful samurai standing tall under the blooming sakura trees, framed by a springtime Japanese village. She has sleek, chestnut hair tied up in a traditional Japanese top-knot with wisteria flowers tucked within. A pair of almond-shaped eyes in a soft hazelnut color, viewed in a focused, determined gaze. Spotless and toned milk-white skin perfectly complements her stern face. She is dressed in a simple, yet elegant kimono of cherry blossom pink with wave patterns, accentuated by a blue obi and accessorized with subtle jade jewelry. Paired with traditional straw sandals, her attire provides a flawless representation of feudal Japan. Her exposed forearm reveals a small yet intricate tattoo of a crane in flight. A finely crafted katana, sheathed at her side, denotes her prowess as a warrior. A stern, disciplined persona shines through, her estimated age being around mid-20s.

Anime girl drawn in anime style, a graceful samurai standing tall under the blooming sakura trees, framed by a springtime Japanese village. She has sleek, chestnut hair tied up in a traditional Japanese top-knot with wisteria flowers tucked within. A pair of almond-shaped eyes in a soft hazelnut color, viewed in a focused, determined gaze. Spotless and toned milk-white skin perfectly complements her stern face. She is dressed in a simple, yet elegant kimono of cherry blossom pink with wave patterns, accentuated by a blue obi and accessorized with subtle jade jewelry. Paired with traditional straw sandals, her attire provides a flawless representation of feudal Japan. Her exposed forearm reveals a small yet intricate tattoo of a crane in flight. A finely crafted katana, sheathed at her side, denotes her prowess as a warrior. A stern, disciplined persona shines through, her estimated age being around mid-20s.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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