Anime Boy Outline: Animate an anime boy drawn in anime art style standing in an urban setting. This character has spiked, jet-black hair and piercing emerald-green eyes, filled with determination and focus. His skin is a healthy, light complexion, with a sharp jawline highlighting his youthful yet intense nature. His sporting an interface headset device around one eye, glowing with pale blue light, indicating a technological, futuristic theme. The boy is garbed in a stylish, fitted jacket in a rich midnight blue hue, hinting at a slightly rebellious streak. It is adorned with silver buckles and accents. Underneath, he's wearing a simple white shirt. The boy’s lower attire consists of ripped black jeans, a testament to his rugged spirit. His footwear is a pair of sturdy-looking combat boots, adding to his aura of rough readiness. A city sky-scraper backdrop, illuminated by neon billboards and lights, enhances the overall cyberpunk aesthetic."

In a futuristic city setting, a sprightly youth with noticeably determined, emerald-green eyes stands out. This young man of a fair complexion bears spiky black hair and a chiseled jawline, embodying youth and intensity. He wears an intriguing device that wraps around one eye, glowing with a cool blue light, adding a touch of technological sophistication. His attire features a well-fitted midnight blue jacket embellished with silver buckles and accents, adding a mild rebellious tone to his persona. Underneath the jacket, there's a simple white shirt. His rugged spirit is portrayed through his torn black jeans. Sturdy combat boots complete his look, reinforcing his state of readiness. The backdrop showcases towering skyscrapers basking in the glow of neon billboards and lights, enhancing the overall scene's cyberpunk aesthetic.

In a futuristic city setting, a sprightly youth with noticeably determined, emerald-green eyes stands out. This young man of a fair complexion bears spiky black hair and a chiseled jawline, embodying youth and intensity. He wears an intriguing device that wraps around one eye, glowing with a cool blue light, adding a touch of technological sophistication. His attire features a well-fitted midnight blue jacket embellished with silver buckles and accents, adding a mild rebellious tone to his persona. Underneath the jacket, there's a simple white shirt. His rugged spirit is portrayed through his torn black jeans. Sturdy combat boots complete his look, reinforcing his state of readiness. The backdrop showcases towering skyscrapers basking in the glow of neon billboards and lights, enhancing the overall scene's cyberpunk aesthetic.

Anime Boy Outline: Animate an anime boy drawn in anime art style standing in an urban setting. This character has spiked, jet-black hair and piercing emerald-green eyes, filled with determination and focus. His skin is a healthy, light complexion, with a sharp jawline highlighting his youthful yet intense nature. His sporting an interface headset device around one eye, glowing with pale blue light, indicating a technological, futuristic theme. The boy is garbed in a stylish, fitted jacket in a rich midnight blue hue, hinting at a slightly rebellious streak. It is adorned with silver buckles and accents. Underneath, he's wearing a simple white shirt. The boy’s lower attire consists of ripped black jeans, a testament to his rugged spirit. His footwear is a pair of sturdy-looking combat boots, adding to his aura of rough readiness. A city sky-scraper backdrop, illuminated by neon billboards and lights, enhances the overall cyberpunk aesthetic."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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