Anime Boy In School Uniform Girl: Anime boy drawn in anime art style sitting on a school rooftop overlooking a picturesque sunset. Dressed in a lavender button-down shirt and a regal purple vest, a school symbol embossed on it, he exhibits an absence of ties, unleashing a slightly rebellious aura. His snowy white hair brushes against his equally pale eyelashes, framing his bright green eyes filled with thoughtful determination. He wears matching purple pants and white dress shoes. His left hand resting on a black violin case, showcasing his musical flair. 

A Japanese anime-style illustration of a schoolboy sitting on a rooftop. Bathed in the ambient light of a picturesque sunset, he is an emblem of youthful rebellion. Adorned in a lavender button-down shirt and a regal purple vest with a school symbol embossed on it, he chooses to forego a tie. His attire is completed with matching purple pants and white dress shoes. Strands of his snowy white hair sweep down to meet his pale eyelashes, framing his bright green eyes which brim with reflective intensity. Resting beside him on the rooftop is his companion, a black violin case, silently hinting at his musical inclinations.

A Japanese anime-style illustration of a schoolboy sitting on a rooftop. Bathed in the ambient light of a picturesque sunset, he is an emblem of youthful rebellion. Adorned in a lavender button-down shirt and a regal purple vest with a school symbol embossed on it, he chooses to forego a tie. His attire is completed with matching purple pants and white dress shoes. Strands of his snowy white hair sweep down to meet his pale eyelashes, framing his bright green eyes which brim with reflective intensity. Resting beside him on the rooftop is his companion, a black violin case, silently hinting at his musical inclinations.

Anime Boy In School Uniform Girl: Anime boy drawn in anime art style sitting on a school rooftop overlooking a picturesque sunset. Dressed in a lavender button-down shirt and a regal purple vest, a school symbol embossed on it, he exhibits an absence of ties, unleashing a slightly rebellious aura. His snowy white hair brushes against his equally pale eyelashes, framing his bright green eyes filled with thoughtful determination. He wears matching purple pants and white dress shoes. His left hand resting on a black violin case, showcasing his musical flair.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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