Anime Boy X Girl: Anime boy drawn in anime art style with a protective vibe around him shielding a shy girl. The boy has raven-black hair, tousled and messy with strands over his mysterious sapphire blue eyes. His skin is pale with a muscular build. He’s in a semi-opened, charcoal-colored vest over a burgundy t-shirt, fitted black jeans, and black combat boots with silver chains on the side. The girl has a strawberry-blonde ponytail with soft, round amber eyes. She is wearing a knee-length, embroidered white dress with a pastel blue ribbon tied on her waist. They are inside a fantastical, medieval-inspired castle, standing at an enormous arched window under a starry night sky.

An anime depiction of a protective boy with raven-black hair, tousled and messy with strands covering his mysterious sapphire blue eyes. His skin is pale and he has a muscular build. He's dressed in a semi-opened, charcoal-colored vest over a burgundy t-shirt, fitted black jeans, and black combat boots with silver chains on the side. Nearby, there is a shy girl with a strawberry-blonde ponytail and soft, round amber eyes. She is clothed in a knee-length, white dress adorned with embroidery and a pastel blue ribbon cinched at her waist. The setting is a fantastical, medieval-style castle. They are standing at an enormous arched window that reveals a starry night sky.

An anime depiction of a protective boy with raven-black hair, tousled and messy with strands covering his mysterious sapphire blue eyes. His skin is pale and he has a muscular build. He's dressed in a semi-opened, charcoal-colored vest over a burgundy t-shirt, fitted black jeans, and black combat boots with silver chains on the side. Nearby, there is a shy girl with a strawberry-blonde ponytail and soft, round amber eyes. She is clothed in a knee-length, white dress adorned with embroidery and a pastel blue ribbon cinched at her waist. The setting is a fantastical, medieval-style castle. They are standing at an enormous arched window that reveals a starry night sky.

Anime Boy X Girl: Anime boy drawn in anime art style with a protective vibe around him shielding a shy girl. The boy has raven-black hair, tousled and messy with strands over his mysterious sapphire blue eyes. His skin is pale with a muscular build. He’s in a semi-opened, charcoal-colored vest over a burgundy t-shirt, fitted black jeans, and black combat boots with silver chains on the side. The girl has a strawberry-blonde ponytail with soft, round amber eyes. She is wearing a knee-length, embroidered white dress with a pastel blue ribbon tied on her waist. They are inside a fantastical, medieval-inspired castle, standing at an enormous arched window under a starry night sky.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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