Cartoon Girl In Uniform: Anime girl drawn in anime art style, depicting a sultry human anime lady with fiery red hair neatly tied up in a high bun. Her captivating, fox-like amber eyes, full of intrigue and mystery, are the most striking feature of her face. She is clad in a navy-blue military-style uniform with a fitted structured jacket, polished golden buttons, and a white undershirt completed with a maroon tie. Her skirt falls just above her knees, paired with black thigh-high stockings and polished brown ankle boots. In her hand, she holds a mini leather-handled cane, cementing her appearance as a figure of charisma and dominance."

Cartoon Girl In Uniform: Anime girl drawn in anime art style, depicting a sultry human anime lady with fiery red hair neatly tied up in a high bun. Her captivating, fox-like amber eyes, full of intrigue and mystery, are the most striking feature of her face. She is clad in a navy-blue military-style uniform with a fitted structured jacket, polished golden buttons, and a white undershirt completed with a maroon tie. Her skirt falls just above her knees, paired with black thigh-high stockings and polished brown ankle boots. In her hand, she holds a mini leather-handled cane, cementing her appearance as a figure of charisma and dominance."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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