A male tiger Fursona reference sheet

Generate a male tiger Fursona reference sheet, depicted in an anthropomorphic manner, in a style typically seen in anime. Ensure that the full picture contains multiple views of the character, including front, back, side. The character should be visualized as powerful with striking tiger features including prominent stripes, muscular physique, strong facial features, and expressive eyes. The image should entirely be devoid of any text elements.

Generate a male tiger Fursona reference sheet, depicted in an anthropomorphic manner, in a style typically seen in anime. Ensure that the full picture contains multiple views of the character, including front, back, side. The character should be visualized as powerful with striking tiger features including prominent stripes, muscular physique, strong facial features, and expressive eyes. The image should entirely be devoid of any text elements.

A male tiger Fursona reference sheet

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Furry
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