Anime Boy In Real Life: Anime boy drawn in anime art style departing from a crowded city bus on a sunny afternoon in the heart of Tokyo. His looks reflect a typical Japanese high schooler with spiky jet black hair and shining emerald eyes, a small rugged scar proudly displayed beneath one eye. He is clothed in a checkered deep forest green blazer with a neatly fastened yellow tie. His impeccable ankle-length khaki trousers are paired with immaculate glossy classic Oxford shoes. Don't forget about a cherry wood cane with a brass handle reflecting his samurai lineage that he holds in his right hand, and a brown messenger bag that rests on his left shoulder."

A Japanese anime-style depiction of a high-school-aged boy stepping off a city bus in a bustling afternoon in Tokyo. The boy possesses spiky jet-black hair and striking green eyes with a notable scar beneath one eye. He is dressed in an immaculate deep forest green checkered blazer with a carefully tied yellow tie. His spotless ankle-length khaki trousers are coupled with shiny classic Oxford shoes. This youth embodies the spirit of his samurai lineage by carrying a cherry wood cane with a brass handle in his right hand and a brown messenger bag is draped over his left shoulder.

A Japanese anime-style depiction of a high-school-aged boy stepping off a city bus in a bustling afternoon in Tokyo. The boy possesses spiky jet-black hair and striking green eyes with a notable scar beneath one eye. He is dressed in an immaculate deep forest green checkered blazer with a carefully tied yellow tie. His spotless ankle-length khaki trousers are coupled with shiny classic Oxford shoes. This youth embodies the spirit of his samurai lineage by carrying a cherry wood cane with a brass handle in his right hand and a brown messenger bag is draped over his left shoulder.

Anime Boy In Real Life: Anime boy drawn in anime art style departing from a crowded city bus on a sunny afternoon in the heart of Tokyo. His looks reflect a typical Japanese high schooler with spiky jet black hair and shining emerald eyes, a small rugged scar proudly displayed beneath one eye. He is clothed in a checkered deep forest green blazer with a neatly fastened yellow tie. His impeccable ankle-length khaki trousers are paired with immaculate glossy classic Oxford shoes. Don't forget about a cherry wood cane with a brass handle reflecting his samurai lineage that he holds in his right hand, and a brown messenger bag that rests on his left shoulder."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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