Anime Girl Falling: Anime girl drawn in anime art style in the throes of falling with a lush, green forest acting as a mystical backdrop. Her red waves of hair mingle with the wind with curiosity in her onyx eyes. She is wearing a burnt-orange cropped top and a high-waisted, emerald-green skirt, starkly contrasting with the forest hues. Simple ballet flats complete her vivacious figure."

Anime Girl Falling: Anime girl drawn in anime art style in the throes of falling with a lush, green forest acting as a mystical backdrop. Her red waves of hair mingle with the wind with curiosity in her onyx eyes. She is wearing a burnt-orange cropped top and a high-waisted, emerald-green skirt, starkly contrasting with the forest hues. Simple ballet flats complete her vivacious figure."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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