Anime girls cleaning bmw e39

In the digital pixel art style, design a scene where three anime-style characters of different descents - a Caucasian female with blonde hair in a ponytail, a Black female with curly hair and a Hispanic female with long brunette hair - are attentively cleaning a luxury European sedan, similar to a late 90s model. The car has a sleek silver color with sunlight giving it a perfect gleam. In the background, there's a thriving city adding depth to the overall scene.

In the digital pixel art style, design a scene where three anime-style characters of different descents - a Caucasian female with blonde hair in a ponytail, a Black female with curly hair and a Hispanic female with long brunette hair - are attentively cleaning a luxury European sedan, similar to a late 90s model. The car has a sleek silver color with sunlight giving it a perfect gleam. In the background, there's a thriving city adding depth to the overall scene.

Anime girls cleaning bmw e39

Art Style: Pixel Art
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