Anime Boy In Girl: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, donning a cute, pastel-colored maid's outfit. It consists of a blouse with puffy short sleeves, a short pleated skirt, and a headband with a bow. His shoes are black ballet flats. His hair is salmon pink, styled into twin tails held with star-shaped hair clips, his eyes a contrasting ocean blue. He's located within a café scene, full of life and color, with customers around enjoying their beverages. He can be seen standing near the counter with a tray of delectable sweets.'

A boy with a distinct anime stylization dresses in a charming, pastel-colored maid attire. His outfit includes a blouse with voluminous short sleeves, a short, pleated skirt, and a headband adorned with a bow. His shoes are black ballet flats. His hair is salmon pink, fashioned into twin tails clasped with star-shaped hair clips, maintaining a contrast with his ocean blue eyes. He is depicted within a lively cafe scene, around which customers of varying genders and descents are relishing their beverages. He is positioned next to the counter, holding a tray overflowing with tempting sweets.

A boy with a distinct anime stylization dresses in a charming, pastel-colored maid attire. His outfit includes a blouse with voluminous short sleeves, a short, pleated skirt, and a headband adorned with a bow. His shoes are black ballet flats. His hair is salmon pink, fashioned into twin tails clasped with star-shaped hair clips, maintaining a contrast with his ocean blue eyes. He is depicted within a lively cafe scene, around which customers of varying genders and descents are relishing their beverages. He is positioned next to the counter, holding a tray overflowing with tempting sweets.

Anime Boy In Girl: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, donning a cute, pastel-colored maid's outfit. It consists of a blouse with puffy short sleeves, a short pleated skirt, and a headband with a bow. His shoes are black ballet flats. His hair is salmon pink, styled into twin tails held with star-shaped hair clips, his eyes a contrasting ocean blue. He's located within a café scene, full of life and color, with customers around enjoying their beverages. He can be seen standing near the counter with a tray of delectable sweets.'

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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