Anime Girl Cat: Anime girl drawn in anime art style. The protagonist is a stunning girl with magnetic, stormy grey eyes under her parallels styled bangs. Her hair is a bright, celestial blue, styled with intricate braiding and cat-ear clips. The backdrop is the galaxy filled with an array of shimmering stars. She's wearing a futuristic silver bodysuit paired with matching thigh-high boots, radiating a captivating aura of allure and mystery.

Anime Girl Cat: Anime girl drawn in anime art style. The protagonist is a stunning girl with magnetic, stormy grey eyes under her parallels styled bangs. Her hair is a bright, celestial blue, styled with intricate braiding and cat-ear clips. The backdrop is the galaxy filled with an array of shimmering stars. She's wearing a futuristic silver bodysuit paired with matching thigh-high boots, radiating a captivating aura of allure and mystery.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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