Anime Girl Characters: Realism Dalle-3, "Anime girl drawn in anime art style, imagine a mesmerizing girl with enchanted green eyes and sunny blonde hair cascading beautifully over her shoulders. She dons a classic little black dress, clinched perfectly at her waist, showcasing her curvaceous figure. Paired with black lacy gloves and thigh-high boots, she adds a touch of alluring mystery to her elegant look."

Anime Girl Characters: Realism Dalle-3, "Anime girl drawn in anime art style, imagine a mesmerizing girl with enchanted green eyes and sunny blonde hair cascading beautifully over her shoulders. She dons a classic little black dress, clinched perfectly at her waist, showcasing her curvaceous figure. Paired with black lacy gloves and thigh-high boots, she adds a touch of alluring mystery to her elegant look."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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