A girl child with pink and black curly hair with green eyes looking at the stars

Craft an image that embodies the concept of a young, green-eyed Caucasian girl. Her hair is unusual, marked by a blending of pink and black curls that cascade around her shoulders. In her eyes, you see the reflection of a sky punctuated by multiple twinkling stars. The illustrative style should adopt the techniques popularly featured in digital art, making extensive use of vivid colors and sleek lines.

Craft an image that embodies the concept of a young, green-eyed Caucasian girl. Her hair is unusual, marked by a blending of pink and black curls that cascade around her shoulders. In her eyes, you see the reflection of a sky punctuated by multiple twinkling stars. The illustrative style should adopt the techniques popularly featured in digital art, making extensive use of vivid colors and sleek lines.

A girl child with pink and black curly hair with green eyes looking at the stars

Art Style: Digital Art
Image Type: Character
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