Anime Girl In Space: Depict an 'anime girl drawn in anime art style' suspended in space, a nebula swirling vibrantly behind her. She has conspicuous jade green eyes, long, golden blonde hair with streaks of cosmic blue dancing around her. She's wearing a body-hugging suit laced with neon strips that blink rhythmically, simulating a star-lit night sky. Paired with it, a high gloss, cybernetic legging downplays the daunting space. On her feet, she sports armored ankle boots with thrusters, embodying her bold, adventurous spirit. Her head is adorned with a constellation-patterned headband. As she floats amidst the cosmic milieu, her vivacious allure manages to steal the limelight from the mesmerizing space vista.

Anime Girl In Space: Depict an 'anime girl drawn in anime art style' suspended in space, a nebula swirling vibrantly behind her. She has conspicuous jade green eyes, long, golden blonde hair with streaks of cosmic blue dancing around her. She's wearing a body-hugging suit laced with neon strips that blink rhythmically, simulating a star-lit night sky. Paired with it, a high gloss, cybernetic legging downplays the daunting space. On her feet, she sports armored ankle boots with thrusters, embodying her bold, adventurous spirit. Her head is adorned with a constellation-patterned headband. As she floats amidst the cosmic milieu, her vivacious allure manages to steal the limelight from the mesmerizing space vista.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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