
Design a character themed around the concept of 'kawaii'. This character, named Gabby, should embody cuteness and innocence. Ensure that she is depicted with exaggerated, oversized features, such as large eyes and small limbs, which are characteristic of the 'kawaii' style. The color palette should be soft and pastel, with hues including but not limited to pink, baby blue, lavender, and mint green, which are commonly associated with this aesthetic. Please note, the image should contain no text whatsoever.

Design a character themed around the concept of 'kawaii'. This character, named Gabby, should embody cuteness and innocence. Ensure that she is depicted with exaggerated, oversized features, such as large eyes and small limbs, which are characteristic of the 'kawaii' style. The color palette should be soft and pastel, with hues including but not limited to pink, baby blue, lavender, and mint green, which are commonly associated with this aesthetic. Please note, the image should contain no text whatsoever.


Art Style: Kawaii
Image Type: Avatar
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