Friendly fox dude

A friendly anthropomorphic fox character drawn in a cute and endearing sticker style. The fox has bright orange fur, an expressive face with large, lively eyes. The character should be standing upright on two legs, with a confident yet approachable posture, its fluffy tail curled playfully around its feet. The sticker style should incorporate simple, bold lines and vibrant colors. Despite being anthropomorphic, the character should retain some of its animalistic features such as sharp ears, bushy tail, and snout. There are no text or words included in the image.

A friendly anthropomorphic fox character drawn in a cute and endearing sticker style. The fox has bright orange fur, an expressive face with large, lively eyes. The character should be standing upright on two legs, with a confident yet approachable posture, its fluffy tail curled playfully around its feet. The sticker style should incorporate simple, bold lines and vibrant colors. Despite being anthropomorphic, the character should retain some of its animalistic features such as sharp ears, bushy tail, and snout. There are no text or words included in the image.

Friendly fox dude

Art Style: Cute Stickers
Image Type: Furry
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