Anime Boy In Love With Girl: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, the boy’s intense amethyst eyes filled with deep affection towards the girl sharing an umbrella with him. His hair is a lustrous, chocolate-brown hue, falling in gentle tousles. He's wearing a simple but neat outfit, featuring a charcoal grey, cable knit sweater, over a crisp, white round-neck tee. His bottoms include onyx-black jeans and a pair of black, lace-up boots. Their surroundings are a soft-lit lamppost-lined street while they stroll in the blissful rain under a shared pastel lavender umbrella.

An anime-style depiction of a boy with deep, affectionate amethyst eyes sharing an umbrella with a girl. The boy's hair, a lustrous hue of chocolate-brown, cascades down his forehead in gentle tousles. His attire includes a neat outfit - a charcoal grey, cable knit sweater over a crisp, white round-neck tee, paired with onyx-black jeans and black, lace-up boots. They find themselves on a lamppost-lined street, softly illuminated by the gleaming lights, enjoying a stroll under the blissful rain, together under their shared pastel lavender umbrella.

An anime-style depiction of a boy with deep, affectionate amethyst eyes sharing an umbrella with a girl. The boy's hair, a lustrous hue of chocolate-brown, cascades down his forehead in gentle tousles. His attire includes a neat outfit - a charcoal grey, cable knit sweater over a crisp, white round-neck tee, paired with onyx-black jeans and black, lace-up boots. They find themselves on a lamppost-lined street, softly illuminated by the gleaming lights, enjoying a stroll under the blissful rain, together under their shared pastel lavender umbrella.

Anime Boy In Love With Girl: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, the boy’s intense amethyst eyes filled with deep affection towards the girl sharing an umbrella with him. His hair is a lustrous, chocolate-brown hue, falling in gentle tousles. He's wearing a simple but neat outfit, featuring a charcoal grey, cable knit sweater, over a crisp, white round-neck tee. His bottoms include onyx-black jeans and a pair of black, lace-up boots. Their surroundings are a soft-lit lamppost-lined street while they stroll in the blissful rain under a shared pastel lavender umbrella.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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