Anime Girl Figure: Anime girl drawn in anime art style, radiating luminous charm within a classic, elegant mansion. Her chestnut-brown hair is luxuriously styled in cascading curls, dancing with the illumination of her hazelnut eyes. Swathed in a mesmerizing gown of satin and lace, enchanted bronze under the chandelier's touch, she presents herself as a timeless beauty. Her statement jewelry, a vintage silver tiara, and diamond-studded earrings enhance her regal aura."

Anime Girl Figure: Anime girl drawn in anime art style, radiating luminous charm within a classic, elegant mansion. Her chestnut-brown hair is luxuriously styled in cascading curls, dancing with the illumination of her hazelnut eyes. Swathed in a mesmerizing gown of satin and lace, enchanted bronze under the chandelier's touch, she presents herself as a timeless beauty. Her statement jewelry, a vintage silver tiara, and diamond-studded earrings enhance her regal aura."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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