Anime Girl Pink: Anime girl drawn in anime art style, drenched in hues of illustrious pink. She is dressed in a sharp, bustier-style crop top adorned with cherry blossom motifs, boasting an intricate and attention-drawing lace up front. Her billowing mini skirt is garnished with frilly lace, matching the look of her classic Lolita shoes. She has glittering, rose-colored eyes and a long waterfall of pink hair cascading down her back. A crown of fresh flowers perched on her head and a heart-shaped locket sparkling on her neck."

Anime Girl Pink: Anime girl drawn in anime art style, drenched in hues of illustrious pink. She is dressed in a sharp, bustier-style crop top adorned with cherry blossom motifs, boasting an intricate and attention-drawing lace up front. Her billowing mini skirt is garnished with frilly lace, matching the look of her classic Lolita shoes. She has glittering, rose-colored eyes and a long waterfall of pink hair cascading down her back. A crown of fresh flowers perched on her head and a heart-shaped locket sparkling on her neck."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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