2 teenage boys hanging out

Depict an outfit concept involving two teenage boys hanging out in the fashion style inspired from Japanese animated series. One boy is of South Asian descent sporting short, spiked hair and wearing a loose, graphic tee with cargo shorts. The other boy is of Caucasian descent with a slicked back hair, wearing a high-necked, long-sleeved shirt with skinny jeans. They are both outdoors on a sunny day, surrounded by serene nature with vibrant colors.

Depict an outfit concept involving two teenage boys hanging out in the fashion style inspired from Japanese animated series. One boy is of South Asian descent sporting short, spiked hair and wearing a loose, graphic tee with cargo shorts. The other boy is of Caucasian descent with a slicked back hair, wearing a high-necked, long-sleeved shirt with skinny jeans. They are both outdoors on a sunny day, surrounded by serene nature with vibrant colors.

2 teenage boys hanging out

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Outfit
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