Anime Girl In Noodles: Anime girl drawn in an anime art style, set against a magical noodles waterfall. Falling mid-back is her rich, dark chocolate hair with an intricate orchid hairpin nestled on one side. Her eyes, a glassy icy-blue color, express an enchanting allure. As a sultry model, she is dressed in a stylized kimono detailed with intricate noodle motifs. The crisscrossed Obi accentuates her shape along with a flowing skirt and traditional wooden sandals with cherry blossom adornments. Gracefully seated on the edge of a noodle pool, her slim fingers hold a pair of detailed chopsticks, giving off a captivating presence."

Anime Girl In Noodles: Anime girl drawn in an anime art style, set against a magical noodles waterfall. Falling mid-back is her rich, dark chocolate hair with an intricate orchid hairpin nestled on one side. Her eyes, a glassy icy-blue color, express an enchanting allure. As a sultry model, she is dressed in a stylized kimono detailed with intricate noodle motifs. The crisscrossed Obi accentuates her shape along with a flowing skirt and traditional wooden sandals with cherry blossom adornments. Gracefully seated on the edge of a noodle pool, her slim fingers hold a pair of detailed chopsticks, giving off a captivating presence."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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