Anime Boy Hugging Girl: Prompt 3: "Anime boy drawn in anime art style featuring a boy with snowy white hair and piercing ice blue eyes, comforting a teary-eyed girl with locks of jet-black hair. He is dressed in a burgundy, collared t-shirt under a grey cardigan, paired with navy blue jeans, and brown high-top boots. A minimalist, leather bracelet adorns his left wrist. Their backdrop is a small, cozy room filled with a multitude of colorful books and a dimly lit table lamp."

Anime-inspired image of a Caucasian boy with snowy white hair and piercing ice blue eyes, offering comfort to a teary-eyed Middle Eastern girl with locks of jet-black hair. He is dressed in a burgundy collared t-shirt under a grey cardigan, paired with navy blue jeans, and brown high-top boots. A minimalist leather bracelet adorns his left wrist. The scene is set in a small, cozy room filled with a multitude of colorful books and light from a dimly lit table lamp.

Anime-inspired image of a Caucasian boy with snowy white hair and piercing ice blue eyes, offering comfort to a teary-eyed Middle Eastern girl with locks of jet-black hair. He is dressed in a burgundy collared t-shirt under a grey cardigan, paired with navy blue jeans, and brown high-top boots. A minimalist leather bracelet adorns his left wrist. The scene is set in a small, cozy room filled with a multitude of colorful books and light from a dimly lit table lamp.

Anime Boy Hugging Girl: Prompt 3: "Anime boy drawn in anime art style featuring a boy with snowy white hair and piercing ice blue eyes, comforting a teary-eyed girl with locks of jet-black hair. He is dressed in a burgundy, collared t-shirt under a grey cardigan, paired with navy blue jeans, and brown high-top boots. A minimalist, leather bracelet adorns his left wrist. Their backdrop is a small, cozy room filled with a multitude of colorful books and a dimly lit table lamp."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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